Xavier Moon was recently seen in a podcast hosted by Mario Maitland. Xavier is a professional basketball player for the Los Angeles Clippers of the NBA ( National Basketball Association).
Xavier is on a two-way contract with the Agua Caliente Clippers of the NBA G League.
On the podcast, Xavier shared numerous interesting things about his life and career. For the people who missed the episode, here are some highlights of the conversation between Mario Maitland and Xavier Moon.
Mario Maitland: You’re widely known throughout the basketball world. For everybody else, who doesn’t necessarily watch the NBA. Why don’t you go ahead and tell us about the person Xavier Moon, the person from Goodwater Alabama?
Xavier Moon: Man like you said, born and raised in Alabama. 27 and graduated from Morehead State. In 2017 I started my pro career. Shortly after that I went to France for my first year. For The next two years, I was in Canada and the year after that I was in Israel. And nowadays, where you see me now I started with G League. And I got my stand in the NBA and a couple of 10 days contract and went back to G League. And I am getting my opportunity again in my two-way.
Mario Maitland: Definitely, Definitely. I wanna ask you this, obviously a lot of people don’t know that you’re related to Jamario Moon, who was an NBA player back in the early 2000 or mid-2000s. He played for the Cleveland Cavaliers, he played alongside LeBron James. I want you to talk about the relationship you and Jamario have.
Xavier Moon: It’s more like a brother relationship than being my uncle. We talk pretty much every day whether it’s about life or basketball. He has been probably my biggest mentor when it comes to having my own path. Following his footsteps the same way he got to the league. He played in 17/18 different leagues around the world before he made it to the NBA. We always had those talks to never give up, control what you can control, keep your head ahead, and just keep working. I find it ironic that we both made it to the league at 27. He has always been in my corner, somebody I can talk to like I said about basketball or life.
Mario Maitland: Do you think that, obviously you grew up watching him, but would you say that he was part of the reason why you wanted to take on basketball in that sense?
Xavier Moon: He is the reason I started taking it more seriously. Once he made it to the league I felt like I could do that too. It’s just watching him, following him around, and going to so many places, he showed me different parts of the world. I’m like a man. I wanna do the same thing. So I thank his career that started my career. going overseas and following in his footsteps made me to the league.
In the podcast Mario and Xavier discuss more on:
- His relationship with his new teammates Reggie Jackson and NBA superstar, Paul George
- His work ethic and how he got to the NBA
- His reaction on getting his contract with the NBA
- The lavish lifestyle of the NBA
- What he has planned for the remainder of the season.
Check out the full episode today on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYggqsiYIU8

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